Comap Single Controller IG-NT-GC Starter Module

Wholesale Comap Single Controller IG-NT-GC  Starter Module In Stock 

IG-NT-GC   IntelGen  Starter Module the brand is Comap Brand . InteGen is a comprehensive controller for both single and multiple gen-sets operating in standby or parallel models. Compact construction make the unit ideal and HW moddifications allow custermes to select the perfect solution to meet a particular requirement .  A buit-in synchronizer and digital iso chronous laoder share allow a total inergarted solution for generator standby, stand parallet or main parallel, Native cooperations of umpto 32 gen-set is a standard feature.  IG-NT-GC   IntelGen controller supports many standard ECU types and is specially designed to easy integrate new ones. A powerful graphic diaplay with user-friendly contols allows any user whatever their ability to find the informations which they need . 

Comap Single Controller IG-NT-GC  Starter Module Parameters 

1. Power failure starts automatically

2. Can connect to ECU using J1939 moudle  and some special protocols, with alarm text prompt

3. Base load, peripheral power Settings, input/output

4. Number of operating units for multiple parallel systems

5. Input/ output can be configured

6. 500 PCS  fault history can recorded 

IG-NT-GC-MINT+ IG-NT-GC-MINT+ Strengthening multiple units in parallel controller kit

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